Efacec - Suceava County Council MWS




Municipal sorting station with a capacity of 20.000 tonnes / year

Untreated recyclable fractions of paper & cardboard and plastic & metal shall be delivered to the sorting station. After weighting, they are brought to the reception hall to be unloaded. While the waste are unloaded, a worker from the sorting station (driver of the wheel loader, sorter of the bulk waste), verifies, visually, the quality and stops the unloading process if non-allowed materials are identified, such are residues.

In the sorting cabin are valorized different quantities of materials. In case of paper and cardboard waste admission, the following fractions are envisaged to be obtained:

  • Paper and cardboard mixed (sorted)
  • Paper and cardboard waved from supermarket
  • Sorted printed paper, for eliminating the ink

For plastic and metal wrappings, the following fractions are envisaged to be obtained:

  • Ferro-magnetic metals (separated before the sorting cabin directly to container)
  • Transparent PET
  • Colored PET
  • Other plastic wrapping
  • Wrappings mixed optional with liquids, such Tetra Pak
  • Other metals (aluminum)
  • Fibrous materials

The fractions will be collected in a baling press (except metals) to reduce their sizes in order to be stored and transported to paper factories or for future recycling.


The workflow of the stations includes:


  • Bunker conveyor with inclined section (rubber belt with traction chains)
  • Platform for manual presorting
  • Inclined conveyor for feeding the vibrating sieve
  • Vibrating sieve
  • Inclined conveyor for taking the wastes from the vibrating sieve to the sorting cabin
  • Inclined conveyor for taking the rejected fractions from the vibrating sieve to the container
  • Inclined conveyor for taking the metallic fractions from the metallic separator to the container
  • Sorting conveyor
  • Overflow conveyor
  • Collecting conveyor (for sorted fractions)
  • Inclined conveyor to the balling press

All the conveyors have been fitted with platforms to acces the motors for maintenance and service.


Contact Us:
+40 728 441 821, +40 232 276 596
34th Bucium Street, Iasi, 700265, Romania
info@citconveyors.com, marketing@selftrust.ro
All the images and informations are property of SC SELF TRUST SRL ROMANIA (CITCOnveyors - The Romanian Conveyor Factory).
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