Flat Belt Powered Roller Conveyor




Specially designed for light and medium duty transport.

Bi-directional movement available.

Rigid structure.

Easy maintenance.

Low noise.

Available with auto leveling pads or with recatangular metallic foot.

Multiple accesories available.

The structure is powder coated (standard colour code: RAL 2010 and RAL 5010 / other colours available)



Length: 1.000 mm to 5.000 mm (other dimmensions available as non-standard).

Width: from 400 mm to 1.200 mm (higher widths available as non-standard).

Load: up to 50 kilo / linear meter.

Height: see accesories.

Sidewalls: see accesories.


Contact Us:
+40 728 441 821, +40 232 276 596
34th Bucium Street, Iasi, 700265, Romania
info@citconveyors.com, marketing@selftrust.ro
All the images and informations are property of SC SELF TRUST SRL ROMANIA (CITCOnveyors - The Romanian Conveyor Factory).
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